Grams maybe a fictional character on the WB's
Charmed television series, but she's an abiding member that has grown in our hearts and lasts forever in our minds. Her true name is Penelope "Penny" Halliwell and she is the demon slayer of all times. Well, it didn't use to be that way. Grams was once a peace lover, but the malicious death of her first husband, Allen Halliwell, by the hands of her former best friend Robin resulted in the Grams we all know and love. It molded her into the huntress and the fierce demon killer. She became extremely good at being a witch as she honed her telekinesis (that she passed on to Prue, Wyatt and Chris) and created crafty spells and powerful potions on her very own. She became devoted so much to the craft that after her death on March 5th, 1998, she continued to grow as a witch and Warren descendent so much so that she became the matriarch of the Halliwell/Warren family. But that's not
Charmed fans most memorable Grams performance. It's her advice and direction from the grave. You see, Grams helps her grandchildren by offering magical assistance on demon and witch matters by telekinetically flipping the pages of the ancient Book of Shadows. It's her way of saying "hi" and teaching the girls the witch trade. She from time to time pops in for other occassions like Piper's wedding and Wyatt's ancestor blessing, but she'll be imprinted in the minds of all as the ghostly figure standing by the Book and providing her enduring guidance at different times like in Season Two's premiere episode
Witch Trial.
Grams' Running List:
Is There A Woogy In The House?
That 70's Episode
Witch Trial
Magic Hour
Just Harried
Charmed Again, Part 1
Happily Ever After
Sympathy For The Demon
Cat House
Necromancing The Stone
Cheaper By The Coven
Still Charmed And Kicking
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