True Cujo. Prue makes a pretty devilish dog. Yeah, she is white as angel's wings and has eyes blue as the sky, but her grrrrr toward kit makes me think that appearances are not always as they seem. Take Prue herself, for example. She's a pretty young lady, but her mouth and angry eyes portray a different story. Prue's got issues, and they're more than we can count on our fingers. She was the first born Charmed sister, and with that role came responsibilities. But what really molded Prue into her lethal self was the death of her mother. Prue had to step up to the plate after Patty disappeared. She had to take on the protector role, and throughout her life she was always confined to it. This duty, however, is what transpired Prue into a practical, levelheaded, independent and prideful person. You could also add exhausted, knowledgeable and closed-hearted to the list of her characteristics. No one should blame her, though. How would you feel if your mother died at a young age? You would feel alone and would never want to repeat that process of pain, so Prue did what she had to do. She became Prujo, but she "is" the Prujo we all love and know.
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