Charmed's Finally Named

It's been provided by Charmed-Net that Charmed has officially named it's last two episodes. Episode 8.21 is called Kill Billie, Vol. 2 and episode 8.22 is named Forever Charmed. It's sad, I know. But we all new this day was to come eventually.
Okay. So here is the running count:
8:17 Generation Hex
8:18 The Torn Identity
8:19 The Jung and The Restless
8:20 Gone With The Witches
8:21 Kill Billie, Vol. 2
8:22 Forever Charmed
I wonder what's going to happen in the last to episodes. Kill Billie, Vol. 2 gives off a sense that Billie may not last, and Forever Charmed fills me with great calm because I sense that our question about what will happen to the girls will either be answered with a premonition or a jump into the future to see for ourselves. But that's just wishful thinking.
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