The Key ??

That's right. You heard it. I heard it. Christy Jenkins is the key. What kind of key? What is she suppose to open? I bet it has to do with whatever The Triad wants. But what that is and why they want it is up in the air.
But let's talk first about this key idea. Did they not watch Buffy? Or did they watch Buffy and decided to snatch that idea right up? With Buffy, though, the key was a great idea, but by the end they couldn't keep up the excitement that they made it up to be. I so hope that that doesn't happen on Charmed because that would just be terrible.
Now, I'd like to dab into my theory about the key. We all know that it is going to bring about the looming threat that The Charmed Ones will face. But what is that? Well, here is were my theory comes into play. Unlike Dawn on Buffy, I think that Christy will be "the key" to the possible undoing of The Charmed Ones. Yes, I think that she will break up the sisters by death. I think that her position for The Triad in Halliwell Manor is the set up for her to unlock the sisters. Since the sisters are always beating up everything that enters their path, sometimes barely scrapping by, I have every confidence that they will thwart Christy's purpose as the key. But I do know that whatever happens and however the story proceeds with Christy as the key, Brad Kern will try to push us through moments and emotions all over the spectrum.
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