Eat Your Heart Out

But let's put aside his vast history, for Wyatt has graced our presence with some rather cute and delightful moments over the years. I utterly adore his latest work of trying to find his dad. It's so heartaching that you just want to grab the little bugger up and hug him to death. And what about the time when he conjured his friend from the television? It's such a magical passtime to do if you are a Charmed child. Is it not? Here are a few moments that have made Wyatt the eat-your-heart-out boy you can never get enough of!

Is he not just adorable? He looks just like the heavenly handyman of Piper's, which is good I guess because he's Leo's son. I'm sure that there are tons of moments that show Wyatt as the cutie he is, can you think of anymore?
he is cute as a pumpkin. my favorite wyatt plot is it's a bad, truly a magnificent episode.
That was a great finale, but my favorite Wyatt moment would have to be in the episode Imaginary Fiends. I just love any episode with future Wyatt and this episode has him bad and good. That just spells great!
Both are truly great Wyatt moments. It's just too bad that he'll be gone after this season. Future Wyatt is good in any episode he's in. There's just one thing that bothers me about Wyatt episodes. They're either all about Wyatt with baby Chris in glimpses (don't the showrunners know that Piper has another son?) or they're center with Wyatt but he isn't in the episode nearly as much as he should be (like eppie Cheaper by the Coven from season seven). Sorry. I'm a little crazed, LOL ;)
head on nail, rudy. but what really pisses me off is the fact that chris' powers are incognito...or for a better term -- absent. he's two or will be near the end of the season, so why the hell doesn't he have his powers?
budget reasons?
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