Closing The Book On The Shadows

The gathered intel of The Book of Shadows has saved our charming sisters countless times. It's purpose on the show is often used for quickies out of sticky situations, but The Book of Shadows is much more than that. It might not have the physical attributes that all the show's characters possess or have any parity to The Charmed Ones' magic, but its existence is a link to the past and its pages are a lifesaver. I think it is clear to anyone that this magical and ancient tome is a character all on its own, for it's apart of Charmed. It'll be sad to see it go as the series comes to an end. It offered and opened a world of nothing but magic, enough to last us a lifetime. The artwork, crafted handwriting and antique feel has delivered us with a Charmed item to always remember. Let us be thankful for the years it's been with us and hope that it's only memory won't be from the DVDs and cut-out pages of the Charmed magazine. So hang in there and hope that closing the book on The Shadows will be the right decision.
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