Yeah, A Firestarter !!

When we were first introduced to the magical being of a firestarter in season four, I didn't expect that this notion would ever return to the Charmed forefront. The writers must have been truely inspired when typing and thinking out the idea behind this new member of the magical community because they were right on the money (at least they were for me). So when the storyline only lasted a single episode, I was more than a little disappointed. I mean the Charmed writing staff created this extremely cool (well...really hot) and unique character who really shined with pure magical genius. I wished and wished and wished that some how, some way Charmed would revisit that being again. And whaaalaaa! It only took four years for my wish to come true, but it came true. And it came true with a unexpected surprise!
In the last new season eight episode, The Last Temptation of Christy, we learned that Christy Jenkins is the same magical creature as our season four tyke, Tyler. She is a firestarter. For those of you who don't know or who can't quite remember, a firestarter is a being that is capable of creating fire. Being a firestarter is very rare, and thus all firestarters are highly coveted, specifically by The Source who wants any and all to be his life guards. A firestarter's a pretty impressive creature, huh? So when Christy set the couch on fire, I nearly doubled over in shock. No news, no spoilers had prepared me for the reuse of this magical creature. But...oh, how so glad I am. Just having this type of creature around let's one feel the potential for danger. And were there's danger there is The Charmed Ones in full witch mode. I sure hope that they are prepared, because, by way the episode ended last Sunday, Christy appears to be undercover in Halliwell Manor for...The Triad. The Triad with...yeah, a firestarter (shudderrr) doesn't seem or sound easy.
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