Friday, March 24, 2006

The Doomed One

In Charmed's season one episode Dead Man Dating, Phoebe Halliwell converses with Prue about being a witch and being in love. She tells Prue that they're The Charmed Ones, not The Doomed Ones. But as the years go on and Phoebe continues down the path of battling demons, viewers see Phoebe stumple into and out of relationships like there's no tomorrow. And it's not Phoebe's fault. She lost her mother at a young age as well as he father. She had no role model for love or lasting relationships. Hello! Grams married four times. So Phoebe only had Cinderella as her only source of romance. Her childhood love source didn't surmount to much, though, because Phoebe's not looking for The One. I mean she's had plenty of opportunities to fall in love, as the season two cupid said. It's her closed heart that's bundled in the past. You see she's felt it since her mother's death. The lonely nights, her mother's missing touch, her father's unprotecting stand, that's what causes her love problem. She's not open to love because she's never held it. But the moment that love does sweep Phoebe off her feet, it's with the enemy. Phoebe falls for Cole, the demon Belthazar. Phoebe and Cole's love is monumental; it's lustful and intoxicating. But their love was unlucky from the get go. And all relationships after Cole have been unlucky as well. Phoebe has stumpled from relationship to relationship. Jason and Dex to name a few of her relationships. It's all because she holds back to keep her heart protected from what reality she knows: martial problems and death. She doesn't want to risk love to lose it. She's afraid, and unil she releases that fear, Phoebe will never relinguish her crown as The Doomed One.

Monday, March 20, 2006


I just received my Charmed magazine #10 today, and I was flipping through it before hunkering down to really read it and I noticed something. In the Ask Brad! section of the mag, a Charmed fan from Orange County, California, asked "will we see Phoebe pregnant before it's all over?" And our Brad answered with a "" You see that he paused after the "May," which if you're reading between the lines, then you know that that is a hint to our favorite Charmed sister being big in the belly in May sweeps. Woohoo!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Pair of Three?

Prue and Phoebe are two sisters from the same mother and father, but that doesn't mean that they share in any qualities. They're like fire and ice, completely different but entirely dominating all on their own. One can clearly see this in season one, in such eppies as Something Wicca This Way Comes and The Power of Two. This relationship is one of the many thriving plots for Charmed's first season. Yes, the other two seasons have episodes that retouch on the subject, but the first year is entangled with this plot so that tension and all forms of drama between the two girls could raise interest in the show. And it's been one of the key pulls of Charmed because it allowed for a struggle between The Power of Three. Not any of the other seasons (or sisters) have faced this extreme storyline, for the struggles between the other sisters have been on account of outside factors like Cole. It's completely possible that we could blame Roger for the "touchy" relationship that Prue and Phoebe have, but as we've seen it runs much deeper than that (opposing personalities and life choices...I could go on). So I suppose that this complement between the characters initiates the pair for demond duty most of the time.

You may ask, "what are you talking about?" Well, I've seen on other boards and forums that people assume that Prue and Phoebe are getting paired together in season one to face demons and other baddies, while Piper is at home or somewhere else. While I don't necessarily think of the season in compartments as the like, I do see how some might figure that conclusion. For the first year, Prue and Phoebe have come up against some of the many great evils of the magical community without Piper (seems a little non-Power-of-Three to me, but oh, well). And they have defeated them and returned home to Halliwell Manor only to be faced with another evil being. Let's make a list of all the season one baddies that Prue and Phoebe have faced...

(1) The werewolf baddie in the episode known as The Wendigo.

(2) Barbas, the demon of fear, from the From Fear to Eternity episode.

(3) The evil spirit of a serial killer who escaped from Alcatraz island seeking revenge on the people who gave him the death penalty in the The Power of Two episode.

(4) Alec, who's a darklighter and demonic suitor of Daisy from the Love Hurts episode.

After all of these, it doesn't seem like so many too me. I mean...yes...looking back at the first season, I can say that it seems correct to assume that Prue and Phoebe were paired together the most often. However, Piper wasn't always the fish on dry land. In the series premiere, Piper had to face Jeremy Burns on her own in the warehaouse overlooking the bridge, she had to defend a ghost from Yama by herself in Dead Man Dating, her and Phoebe had to handle the spell that went wrong together in Dream Sorcerer, and her and Prue had to tackle the Woogy when Phoebe was possessed in Is There A Woogy In The House? I guess the reason Piper seems nonchalant is because she is sweet and innoncent, making our memories focus on her and not her demon battles, which is opposite of Prue and Phoebe because they are fireworks and our memories focus on them together with their demon duties. So I don't think Prue and Phoebe are The Pair of Three.

What do you think? Is Prue and Phoebe the pair of three? Have I missed some of Prue and Phoebe's demon battles? Come on, tell me what you think!

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Role Of Christy

She has spent 15 years living along side demons, who are dedicated in keeping her bound and gagged (figuratively speaking). She's denoted as the key, and according to what we saw in the The Last Temptation of Christy episode, she is a firestarter and has the power of telepathy. Now, she is undercover at Halliwell Manor for The Triad, where it's only a matter of time before she makes her evil moves on Billie. She's the eldest, she's determined and she can't be trusted. But who is Christy Jenkins? What role does she play?

Billie told TCO (The Charmed Ones) all about Christy. Well, all about Christy's kidnapping. All of that took place 15 years ago, that's longer than TCO have known about magic and have had their powers. We've all known as well as the sisters that the magical community has heard about TCO. It was prophesized by Melinda Warren in the year of 1692 before she was burned at the stake that "each generation of Warren witches would become stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three sisters. These sisters would be the most powerful witches the world has ever known. They are good witches and are known as The Charmed Ones, the protectors of the innocent." One can only assume that this amount of concentration would be highly desired, especially by demons and other hellfire creatures. So it can be imagined that The Triad would want to collect this rarity of magic. To do this they would need a plan, one that would be long and tedious because full frontal attacks almost always fail. We've seen this with the sisters, and it's no doubt that The Triad has also witnessed this with the previous Warren witches. As a result, they set to work on a longtime, undercover plan (as well as attempting short term plans like Belthazar and the genie). Probably through oracles and wizards, The Triad found out that Billie is a future charge of Paige's and The Triad kidnaps Christy, the key to the ultimate power, Billie, so that they can raise Christy in the black magic ways in hopes that they can foster her toward evil. Then after along amount of time, Christy is to reunite with Billie and let the evil spread from one sister to the other (kind of what happened in the Bride and Gloom episode of season three). And when both Jenkins sisters are bonded together in evil, The Triad can attempt their daring move on TCO.

So as you can see, the role of Christy is something of importance. She is here to turn the ultimate power and use it against TCO. Therefore, she is just a puppet of The Triad, who doesn’t seem to even know it.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

? About The Triad

The Triad were a council of evil under The Source's rule. They advised and directed demons and other evil beings in the ways of evil and in the ways to kill. However, at season three's beginning, Cole Turner, aka Belthazar, killed the three unholy demons in order to save his own life. Wait. Hold the phone, because The Triad is back. In the The Last Temptation of Christy episode of season eight, the trio returned. It appears that they were behind the Christy kidnapping 15 years ago, succeed in turning Christy and are guiding Christy toward turning Billie. But a question still remains: how can they be back? This little question has been bugging me for sometime now, so I did some digging. It took me a little longer than I expected and some spoilers to help, but now I have the answer. The Triad is back not as humans, but as ghosts. In The Last Temptation of Christy, the demons (Dreylock and his minions) guarding Christy "summoned," as in resurrected, The Triad. That's it, that is what I know. Doesn't give us much, now does it? Well, I've been thinking on that, too. And this is what I came up with. We know from previous Charmed episodes that ghosts can take corporeal form. For instance, Patty came back in season three's episode Just Harried for Piper's wedding, and she wasn't transparent. She also returned at the end of Charmed Again to meet her long, lost daughter Paige. And then there are the numerous times that Grams comes back in physical form, like in season five's fairytale episode and season eight's Still Charmed & Kicking episode. Thus, it's not hard to imagine that The Triad are ghosts, who have been working from the grave to accomplish their plan to rid the world of The Charmed Ones. So there is my answer to the question about The Triad. Sound good? Or is it totally wrong?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Episode News has posted new news for Charmed's series finale episode "Forever Charmed." It appears that along with Brain Krause as Leo Wyatt viewers will most likely see Wes Ramsey as future Wyatt, Drew Fuller as future Chris and Jennifer Rhodes as Grams. Whooo hooo! Charmed is totally going out with a bang.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Closing The Book On The Shadows

Raise your glass Sabrina, for no one not even you can deny that the leather bound Book of Shadows is the best witch guide around, not to mention its legendary heritage and evil sensing power. Where would our favorite witches be without the 411 on Belthazar, the "nicholas must die" spell or the ingredients for almost all of their potions?

The gathered intel of The Book of Shadows has saved our charming sisters countless times. It's purpose on the show is often used for quickies out of sticky situations, but The Book of Shadows is much more than that. It might not have the physical attributes that all the show's characters possess or have any parity to The Charmed Ones' magic, but its existence is a link to the past and its pages are a lifesaver. I think it is clear to anyone that this magical and ancient tome is a character all on its own, for it's apart of Charmed. It'll be sad to see it go as the series comes to an end. It offered and opened a world of nothing but magic, enough to last us a lifetime. The artwork, crafted handwriting and antique feel has delivered us with a Charmed item to always remember. Let us be thankful for the years it's been with us and hope that it's only memory won't be from the DVDs and cut-out pages of the Charmed magazine. So hang in there and hope that closing the book on The Shadows will be the right decision.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Eat Your Heart Out

Wyatt Matthew Halliwell is a magical child. He's part whitelighter by his whitelighter father and part witch by his witch mother. But specifically, Wyatt is more than a mere blend of the two, which he's shown on more than one occassion during Charmed's life span. You see, he is one of the most powerful beings to walk the earth, and that's including his mother and her sisters. One can clearly see this when his birth suspended magic, caused lights to dance in the sky and forced the planets to align. Even his power advancement in the womb tells us how powerful he is, for only those of great power can channel and harnest their magic at a young age because control usually shows strength, comprehension and wisdom. So nothing, I mean nothing, screams magic like our little Wyatt.

But let's put aside his vast history, for Wyatt has graced our presence with some rather cute and delightful moments over the years. I utterly adore his latest work of trying to find his dad. It's so heartaching that you just want to grab the little bugger up and hug him to death. And what about the time when he conjured his friend from the television? It's such a magical passtime to do if you are a Charmed child. Is it not? Here are a few moments that have made Wyatt the eat-your-heart-out boy you can never get enough of!

Is he not just adorable? He looks just like the heavenly handyman of Piper's, which is good I guess because he's Leo's son. I'm sure that there are tons of moments that show Wyatt as the cutie he is, can you think of anymore?

Friday, March 10, 2006

Enduring Guidance

Grams maybe a fictional character on the WB's Charmed television series, but she's an abiding member that has grown in our hearts and lasts forever in our minds. Her true name is Penelope "Penny" Halliwell and she is the demon slayer of all times. Well, it didn't use to be that way. Grams was once a peace lover, but the malicious death of her first husband, Allen Halliwell, by the hands of her former best friend Robin resulted in the Grams we all know and love. It molded her into the huntress and the fierce demon killer. She became extremely good at being a witch as she honed her telekinesis (that she passed on to Prue, Wyatt and Chris) and created crafty spells and powerful potions on her very own. She became devoted so much to the craft that after her death on March 5th, 1998, she continued to grow as a witch and Warren descendent so much so that she became the matriarch of the Halliwell/Warren family. But that's not Charmed fans most memorable Grams performance. It's her advice and direction from the grave. You see, Grams helps her grandchildren by offering magical assistance on demon and witch matters by telekinetically flipping the pages of the ancient Book of Shadows. It's her way of saying "hi" and teaching the girls the witch trade. She from time to time pops in for other occassions like Piper's wedding and Wyatt's ancestor blessing, but she'll be imprinted in the minds of all as the ghostly figure standing by the Book and providing her enduring guidance at different times like in Season Two's premiere episode Witch Trial.

Grams' Running List:
Is There A Woogy In The House?
That 70's Episode
Witch Trial
Magic Hour
Just Harried
Charmed Again, Part 1
Happily Ever After
Sympathy For The Demon
Cat House
Necromancing The Stone
Cheaper By The Coven
Still Charmed And Kicking

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Pull of Evil

From the first season to the current one, the sisters and some of their innocents have felt the pull of evil. As Phoebe said in season four's episode Hell Hath No Fury, the blood lust from the pull of evil is so strong. And from most of the transformations that have happened, it takes hell of a lot of power or ryhme or reason to break that hold evil has on a being. We've seen this countless times. The following are some examples of the times that the sisters have encountered the pull of evil and the ways that they have thwarted it.

Recall, in season one, when Phoebe was possesed by the Woogyman (formally known as The Shadow). It first passed into a mortal to lure her down there...down into the basement. You see, it wanted Phoebe because she is connected to the house. When Patty gave birth to Phoebe many years ago, she was unable to make it to the hospital so she had to deliver Phoebe at Halliwell Manor. Being born in the house made Phoebe suspectible to evil, for the Nexus (a spiritual point equal distance from the five elements) contain the Woogyman...the evil entity. After the Woogy took control of Phoebe (she didn't give in so easily as you remember), she began to feel the pull of evil. Instead of a blood lust, the Woogy made Phoebe it's prime root. She was the one to stem out the possession from herself to other individuals. It corrupted not only those it came in contact with, but Halliwell Manor itself and some neighboring houses. Prue and Piper had to use (with the help of Phoebe's GOOD magical side) reason to sway Phoebe to turn on the Woogyman and recite the child-hood spell that Grams taught them many moons ago.

Another example extends from season one also. In The Wendigo episode, Piper Halliwell...who's the most innocent and kind sister...was attacked and scratched by a Wendigo. A Wendigo is a non-dead creature that roams the earth seeking out the good-hearted and eating their hearts out. This particular Wendigo after Piper, though, wants her for one reason and one reason only -- Piper's OB Negative blood. Problem is that Agent Falon (Wendigo in human form) didn't finish the job of killing Piper. And because of this fatal error, Piper turn into a Wendigo herself. To keep Piper from staying a Wendigo, Prue and Phoebe had to halt Piper's first kill by chain restraints and hunt down and destroy Agent Falon...the root of Piper's transformation with a good old fashion flare-gun. Killing Agent Falon reversed the transformation.

How about another possession. In season three's Coyote Piper episode, Piper Halliwell is possesed by a life essence named Terra. Terra didn't possess Piper for some physical attributes, but instead for her magical attributes. You see, Terra was created by an alchemist named Kierkan for his own pleasurable reasons, but she longed to be free. So she injected herself into a human in an effort of buying her some time until she reached one of The Charmed Ones to use them to kill Kierkan. She ended up in Piper because she was the first she came across. Terra's strange behavior as Piper and the alchemist's left over bottle tip Prue and Phoebe off to what was happening under their noses. But when the two sisters caught the thought-train, it didn't take them long to get Piper back. It just took a little rhyme and reasoning coupled with a little stabbing and possession swapping.

Though there are tons more, I'd like to end my examples with Paige's transformation into a vampire. Paige became bitten by a servant of the Queen Vampire. The bites didn't, at first, cause Paige any problems. It became apparent later on when Phoebe, Piper and Leo found Paige sleeping hanging from the ceiling that evil has seep into the youngest Halliwell. We come to find later that the Queen only wanted Paige as a vampire so that she could have Paige (one-third of the power of threee) on her side and go up against The "new" Source (Cole) with a fighting chance. But Cole had the knowledge of The Book of Shadows on his side and was able to listen to what the sisters read from the Book on vampires and use it against the Queen. You see, he found out that the death of the Queen killed all her clan and rid him of his problem. And it even saved Paige because she didn't get her first kill (she was ordered to kill Piper and Phoebe) and take the deal breaker of killing-and-not-going-back, which diminished the vampire evil in Paige like the Wendigo was stopped in Piper.

So as we can see from these examples, the sisters have been in the pull of evil and have overcome it. These victories can say alot about the sisters. It shows that they have great srength (for it must take it since they don't give in to evil), unlimited compassion (because demons and all evil things lack this) and last of all they have super-extreme powers. Wow! Really says something about those bad guys, too, now doesn't it (yeah, that they are lazy).

Thanks to Charmed-Net for the pictures!

A WOW Spoiler

I have a WOW spoiler for you all. It appears from Ausiello over at that Brian Krause, our Leo Wyatt, will be back for the last two episodes of the season. That means Leo will be their for the Charmed goodbye. So cheer up. The showrunners are making great efforts to send Charmed off on the right note.

Charmed's Final Trial

Over the years, the sisters of Charmed have been through thick and thin. They have lost many friends, like Andy in season one's closing, cut themselves off from the "mortal" world so they won't cause extra harm and have fallen apart when evil has taken those they loved...those they knew as family. But it's rumored that the sisters must face a new looming threat that they want see coming. They must face the duo; they must face Christy and Billie.

Though the sisters and everyone around don't see Christy (and potentially Billie) as the new threat, all of the fans do. It was shown in episode 8.15, The Last Temptation of Christy, that Christy is bad. It's really not her fault you know. Christy was kidnapped by The Triad and held captive for decades, well almost two decades. It's only natural for someone that long in captivity to take on the Stockholm syndrome. But we must not forget that she is evil no matter how misguided and that she intends to turn Billie evil as well. Thus, she must be stopped.

The sisters are unknowingly well on their way to stopping Christy when they take out two-thirds of The Triad. However, there still exists one-third that continues to push Christy toward her goal. And her goal is to reunite with her sister. Just her and Billie only. The Triad, from what I can gather, has tricked Christy into thinking that she and Billie can only be together if The Charmed Ones are out of the way. Whoa! That can't happen, so Christy has to be stopped. But the questions remain. So far one of the duo is evil and one is good (from what's been shown, but we don't know if Billie is in on it or not), but will that change? Does Christy turn Billie? Will The Charmed Ones be able to help the duo? Or will they vanquish them? Can Billie be spared?

There are so many questions to toy with, but in the end it's the showrunners who will give us the finale battle and tell us how it ends. So let's pray they do it off right and send Charmed off with a proper and "charmed" ending.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Charmed's Finally Named

It's been provided by Charmed-Net that Charmed has officially named it's last two episodes. Episode 8.21 is called Kill Billie, Vol. 2 and episode 8.22 is named Forever Charmed. It's sad, I know. But we all new this day was to come eventually.

Okay. So here is the running count:

8:17 Generation Hex
8:18 The Torn Identity
8:19 The Jung and The Restless
8:20 Gone With The Witches
8:21 Kill Billie, Vol. 2
8:22 Forever Charmed

I wonder what's going to happen in the last to episodes. Kill Billie, Vol. 2 gives off a sense that Billie may not last, and Forever Charmed fills me with great calm because I sense that our question about what will happen to the girls will either be answered with a premonition or a jump into the future to see for ourselves. But that's just wishful thinking.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Last Eppies of The Series

Given Charmed's Parting, I've decided to keep track of the finale episodes.

Here's the low down according to

8:17 Generation Hex
8:18 The Torn Identity
8:19 The Jung and The Restless
8:20 Gone With The Witches

Now have the following for the finale episodes of the series:

8:17 Generation Hex
8:18 The Torn Identity
8:19 The Jung and The Restless
8:20 Plunder Down Under (see that this title is different from Spoilerfix)
8:21 While You Were Orbing
8:22 Something Wicca This Way Ends

Now. As who to side with, I'd choose That means that 8:20 is probably called Gone With The Witches. They have always been keen on their posts and have not posted nothing that they couldn't confirm. But in the end, you have to choose your own path. Whatever that maybe.

And for those questions about Charmed's final episode: Brad Kern has stated that it will be a ONE-HOUR event. But don't worry because the remaining episode will lead right into it. So expect grand and amazing.

Charmed's Parting

"Parting is such sweet sorrow" is the famous line from Shakespeare. It's one phrase that is know around the world much like our precious Charmed. From the UK to Australia, Charmed's been on the television waves. But hold your drawers because it won't for much longer. It was released sometime this past week, I believe, that CW will not pick up the show.

Breathe and don't panic. We all knew it was coming. From last year's last minute decision, everyone with minds could predict that this year would be Charmed's last. It's going to be sorely missed and heart-wrenching to see it's last television appearance, so let's saddle up our strength and prepare for goodbye because it's going to be a parting with such sweet sorrow.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


True Cujo. Prue makes a pretty devilish dog. Yeah, she is white as angel's wings and has eyes blue as the sky, but her grrrrr toward kit makes me think that appearances are not always as they seem. Take Prue herself, for example. She's a pretty young lady, but her mouth and angry eyes portray a different story. Prue's got issues, and they're more than we can count on our fingers. She was the first born Charmed sister, and with that role came responsibilities. But what really molded Prue into her lethal self was the death of her mother. Prue had to step up to the plate after Patty disappeared. She had to take on the protector role, and throughout her life she was always confined to it. This duty, however, is what transpired Prue into a practical, levelheaded, independent and prideful person. You could also add exhausted, knowledgeable and closed-hearted to the list of her characteristics. No one should blame her, though. How would you feel if your mother died at a young age? You would feel alone and would never want to repeat that process of pain, so Prue did what she had to do. She became Prujo, but she "is" the Prujo we all love and know.


Over all types of media whether it be television, literature or art, there are always storyline, character and/or subject matter repetitions. Just look at Alias. That show reuses all of it's storyline developments, such as the Vaughn-Lauren storyline mimicing the Jack-Irina storyline. And our Charmed show isn't far behind the recycling aspect either. Just rewatching the first five seasons or so can unveil mutliple parallels in storylines and in character assignments. For example, look at the witch-whitelighter storyline. This is used twice, for both Patty and Piper. And even though the Piper-Leo storyline doesn't end like the Patty-Sam storyline, it's completely obvious that this storyline conveys epic love. Another plot recycling example is the witch-demon love. It appears to mimic the witch-whitelighter storyline a bit, but in reality it's about a different kind of love and about different personalities. You see Phoebe and Penny ("Grams") have this underlining trait that longs for evil so they may attempt to reconstruct evil into good. The fact that it's dangerious is what makes it so appealing. And they don't direct it as a false hope, which is what leaves them with the possiblity of them finding love because they think that they can turn evil. So they fall in love. What's so different about this love from the witch-whitelighter love is that it is the tragic love, the Romeo-and-Juliet love. It's bushels of star-crossed lovers destined for nothing but pain. Therefore, as you can clearly see, Charmed dabs in the dark magic of recycling. My examples are those of love, but Charmed tosses around other used plots and stuff too. Examples are the turning-human plot, the life-changing plot (Piper to big sis, Phoebe to middle sis and Paige to having siblings) and much...much more. Remember always, though, that it's okay (to me) that they reuse great storylines and characters like the above because it brings in things like nurturing (mimic a relative because of "monkey see, monkey do" concept) and human nature (meaning of existence with the turning-human plot). So always cherish the recycling of Charmed's plots and such because they are what make the show something really special. I mean who would give up the witch-demon plot between Phoebe and Cole? Or the witch-demon plot between Penny and the Necromancer in season five? (Not me!)