In Dreams...

Dreams. Charmed's done them before, way back in season five. But this time was different. It had nothing to do with the sandman or demons. Well, it does if you consider Chrisy and Billie demons now. They don't have scales, horns or markings all over their faces, but they are trailing on the evil side. That is...Chrity's manipulating things for that to happen. You see, Christy's long line of "brainwashing" is well on it way. She's taking all the tricks and methods that the Triad used on her to use on Billie. And it just happens that some of the methods that she's using are really substantial for twisting the truth into something awful. I, yes myself, had some moments thinking that Chrisy had a good point, but it's was her manipulative style that made me think that, not so much the dreams. Christy's reasoning that the sisters aren't at all for the greater good anymore wasn't really great, but when she backed it up with the Utopia world that the sisters tried to create back in season seven, I was thinking that she was right on the money with the sisters' being selfish. I thought that back in season seven, too. What gives them the right to change the whole world? Yes, the idea of a demon free world, and evil free for that matter, is good in theory, but you can't make decisions for the whole world when the people who are making them are just three out of a gazillion.
Anyway, the dream hopping was a great installment to the Charmed fold. The idea of Billie dream hopping into and out of the sisters' dreams was priceless. It allowed her, as well as the viewers, to see the wants and desires of the sisters, much like Chris did in season six with the demon and his power of "dream" realities. And what Billie found wasn't at all what Christy wanted her to find -- the sisters evil. Though, what she found did make her decided to follow Christy -- the sisters are selfish. It appears that the dreams opened Billie's mind and filled it with questions. And it's clear why. Piper's, Phoebe's and Paige's dreams all made sense, and I actually felt that the dreams were a great way to convince Billie that the sisters were bad, or selfish that is, as well as lead her off the path of good. So it appears then that Billie finds her answers in dreams.
What did you think? Did you like the dream hopping? Did you think that Christy's reasoning was right? Did you think that Billie jumped on Christy's bandwagon to fast? Or did you think that Billie truly has a reason to switch to her sister's side?
P.S. What I don't understand is how Billie can think that being selfish is bad after she was hell bent on finding and saving her sister for the whole season? That's selfish, isn't it? Who knows, maybe Billie sees the Charmed Ones as these great powerful beings with a destiny and her only as a witch with no real purpose. Little does she know, huh?
It's werid that this episode was centered on Billie needing to be convinced, since the episode before that kind of left me with the impression that Billie had already made up her mind. But alas, this episode was great. Christy finally finds the help she needs to push Billie over to her side, and I agree with Rudy. Her "styles" and ideas are wonderful; Marnette Patterson does a great job of portraying Christy. I didn't like her too much in the beginning, but she's beginning to grow fast on me.
* Always love seeing an Elder.
I hadn't noticed that Billie was convinced in the last episode before The Jung and The Restless. I guess I was wrapped up in the drama of it all.
This episode rocked! I've been waiting for the duo to take their fight directly to the sisters. And Piper's potion that Christy singed was fantastic; knocked them right on their a**es, now didn't it? Speaking of which, didn't Piper get a little gun ho? She seems to have no time for the duo to make up their minds. She has them down as evil, and evil = death. And I just couldn't believe that Piper was the one talking to the Elders; she's really turning over a new leaf to get to Leo, huh? Hardcore witch and any-source-counts attitude. I like it!
I fill that they have Piper in a trainwreck stance. Bad thing is that they'll not do anything about it. The writers are just trying to speed up the battle, and what better way than having one of the sisters readying for it.
I'm with witch--warrior, though. I like Piper on the defense. It makes the show more fight-pumping like it was with Prue.
Yes, but even though we know, the show is playing it great. And it looks like they are pulling out all the stops to make things a little more surprising, like the Triads and Jenkins's imaginary friend are there to progress only themselves. That was a surprise I didn't see coming.
It sure was indeed.
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