I really, really like Sunday's episode
The Torn Identity. I would definitely give it a 9/10, even if it was a transition episode into the final battle between the trio and the duo. It had some great parts that I liked and loved. For instance, the martial issue...or I should really say the identity issue surrounding Paige was interesting and great. It is good to see that they aren't just making it about the fighting...that they are keeping it real. Keeping the show to the sisters' lives. And the way that they choose to work the issue out was just so funny. Having Coop (
which was the best thing he did for this episode) put Paige in Henry and hearing Henry talk to himself both at his office and at the Manor was hilarious. And it was comical to see him scratch and rub his head from having Paige in his head. That was priceless. It was cool to also see Paige's powers work with her in Henry, and his "cool" response when he called for the potion is one of the reason that I like him on the show. He's got style, he's got cuteness and he's got humor. Another part that I most enjoyed was Christy's full-force b****ness. And it is all because she not only can talk the talk but can walk the walk. I mean who would want to mess with someone that has enought power to back up what she's saying. Not me! The episode had some duds, too, like Billie's instant crossover and Micheal. But that doesn't hold the episode back. It was really outstanding. The graphics and special effects were believable and, in general, incredibly fabulous.
Generation Hex holds no candle to
The Torn Identity, not even a birthday candle. It's Torn over Hex all the way, baby!
Thanks to CasaHalliwell.it for the picture!
Even though Hex was a step up for a Phoebe centric episodes, it was totally left in the dust by Torn. And YEAH! YEA! Piper used her freezing power. Question: If Piper's blast power couldn't kill the demon, how could she freeze him? I know, I know. It's just a tv show.
Hex episode was a great episode, but yes Torn shot ahead to take the lead. Holly was nothing but stellar. I just HEART her for blowing Christy a blast because Christy was totally getting on my nerves. And Billie has completely flipped her led. She had grown on me, but the "crossover" was irrating and stupid. What kind of moron says to her sister that "there has to be an explanation," then chews out the sisters and steals a potion without even listening to an explanation? I hope that they keep her evil. She's not good at the crossover thing.
Ow, good question Taylor. Let's see...it's probably just some inconsistency, but it might not be. Piper's freezing power and blast power both have control over an object's or body's molecular existence. So it's possible that she could freeze the demon's molecular compostion (keep it from motion), but that she couldn't destroy it by blowing it up (separate the compostion) because he couldn't die. Is that helpful?
* I'd personally like to see Billie stay evil, because I wish the show would take that step to kill Billie and Christy. It'd make me feel better as seeing that I'd never like the new addition of Billie.
I wish that the sisters would bound their powers, instead of kill them. It's now good to destroy their morals by letting them kill Billie and Christy, who are HUMANS.
I don't know. Billie and Christy aren't exactly humans; they're witches who've gone bad. And witches who have gone bad are worth killing, remember Tuatha? She was a good witch gone bad and they killed her. I didn't feel like it made the sisters bad.
But we didn't personally know her (Tuatha) either, now did we? I think that the sisters should try to do all they can to save the two girls, I mean they made enormous efforts to save cole and he was nothing but pure demonic evil since birth.
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