After rewatching
The Last Temptation of Christy and
Engaged & Confused, I realized that Henry and Paige are truly a great couple. At season eight's middle, love comes softly for Paige as she meets Henry through one of her charges. On the other hand, Henry feels something right away. But it's been great to see Paige's love for the guy blossom, while we watch Henry trying to figure her out and trying to figure the dating thing out as well. Their luch date was just so cute. Paige thought that Henry asked her out on a date, while Henry asked her out to Nate's because he was afraid she'd say no to the date. It's good that they add some reality to the show, especially the dating portion which is so hard to figure out these days. And then the whole magical interruption with Simon was just a happy subplot for the two as well as this viewer. It allowed us to see that Henry's a man who will not run from magic because that would be like running from Paige, which tells me that he values Paige's life more than his...hmmm...sounds like love to me. Oh, boy does it. No sooner does he win Paige from Simon, Herny proposes. And it's one of the most romantic spots ever...the San Fransico Bridge. It is, unless you are terribly afraid of heights. But with a whitelighter who can now heal, I'll say that Henry's safe from having every bone in his body broken.
Even after the proposal, we see just how much the love birds are in love. They fuss about normal things, which is so werid because it's the reversal of Piper's normal life kick. Piper wanted (
and still does at times) the normal stuff so much so that she fusses non-stop on or about magic. However, Paige is the queen of magic love and all she and Henry fuss about is normal things, like toothpaste. It's a great turn, which tends to go with the Paige character and the show. But what's even better is that Henry seems to blend into the show just right with Paige on his arm. He's sweet and the perfect guy. He doesn't let Paige run over him and Paige doesn't let him run over her. And the the tender touches and eye glances just add to their chemistry as a couple. I have to say that it is all on account of the actors. Rose seems to be having fun with Ivan. And it really shows in her acting as Paige. So it is that Henry's a fit for both the show and for Paige.
Plus, he seems to get along with Wyatt, which is always a good thing. I mean who would want to be on Wyatt's bad side. Remember the rainbow cake and the Elder? Enough said, huh?
I have to agree. Henry's great for Paige, and the Wyatt-cake thing was so funny, especially with Piper's line "he's a good boy...really." LOL!
My only wish was that they would have made Paige's wedding longer and more of the episode. It felt kind of rushed, unlike Piper's which was a center theme for "Just Harried."
Oh, and the picture is a great capture. I loved that they put Henry and Wyatt's little moment in the episode.
I couldn't agree more with the whole wedding thing. Paige has been great. Henry's great. So why couldn't the showrunners give us, the fans, a great wedding episode? I mean the title wasn't even representative for the occassion (well the WB's was but they don't count). And I loved the pic, too. That's why I picked it.
I just hope that they don't lean too much on Paige being with Henry. I want them to focus on the upcoming threat. I'd hate it if they just revealed it to the sisters, while we have been stewing with the knowledge of the evil sisters.
I don't know. I hope that they don't just cut Henry and Paige out and focus only on the sisters. Yes they need to do the final battle and that's great, but it wouldn't be good if they excluded the sisters' lives because that's half of what makes the show great.
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