It's been floating on the web that there will be extras on
Charmed's Complete 8th Season. Those fans who have huffed their opinions and comments at Paramount are finally be heard. Yes, it's extras on the last season and that season won't be out until who know how long, but look at the bright side -- It's the last season DVD and no extras from the other seasons have been given out, so there is much hope that the 8th season DVD will be slammed with tons of extras from all seasons. Hears to Paramount hearing our plea of all seasons of
Charmed extras on the 8th DVD!
What's that Humpty Dumpty? You shock knocked you off. Me, too.
I was a little surprise myself. I mean I fought for extras by sending emails and letters to Paramount along with the other crazy Charmed fans, but I didn't think that they would cave. So I'm with you too Humpty Dumpty. Guess I need some glue.
It's been confirmed by Brad. Season 8 will have extras, and it's the only season that will. Sad I know, but great that we get some.
Dude's that is just great. Now, I can have something extra from Charmed, a little behind the scenes to keep the magic alive.
Don't count on extras from the set, not unless they have already done it because the sets are officially down and gone since April 12. Today, April 13, was their farewell party. It's sad. Charmed's done for good. Hopefully they did catch some of the goodbye moments for the extras. That would be so great.
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