Wednesday, May 31, 2006

DVD Update & Banner

Hello bloggies,

I was scanning my regular sites, when I stumbled upon some season six DVD news. According to, The Complete Season Six of Charmed will be out this October for U.S. No cover has been posted for the U.S., though I hope to post one as soon as it's image hits the cyber waves.

And A Reminder:
This Tuesday, June 6th, Charmed's Fifth Season will be in stores for the U.S. fans. This season daps into some mythological events and storylines, while featuring Cole's death and Piper's first born son, Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. It's a must have for any Charmed fan. It will contain all 23 episodes (when counting both two-hour episodes) from Season five's beginning episode A Witch's Tale to it's end Oh, My Goddess.

And I would like to show you guys the new banner I created for a Goodbye to the Halliwell sisters. Doesn't all four just look so fabulous?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

8.22 -- The Rest In One

It's Sunday, and I'm sad. I'm energized, but I'm sad. So with my energy, I decided to finish the rest of Forever Charmed in one post. It'll take away from my fleshed out opinions, but it will make the discussions better because, as we have seen, one comment can bleed into undeliberated discussion that I hadn't expected on my end. Okay, without further delay...

"Hey ring, undeath my sisters."
It was too easy of an action. It lacked the consequences of personal gain, it lacked the consequences of time travel. But let's face it, the first time travel the sisters did way back in season one didn't have any fallout either. Surely, the future would have changed if Nicholas knew in the past that the ring had been unblessed. He would have caused trouble for Patty and Grams in the attic, to which he would have been vanquished. So we know the writers don't think ahead, but they have been admit about person gain. We seen it in season six, especially in the end with Phoebe's stripped powers. We seen it in Styx Feet Under when Piper had to be death for a day. But then again the idea of personal gain has been swept under the carpet like the self-wanting world of Utopia the sisters helped created. There was no fallout there, not for the sisters anyway. And I think there should have been huge consequences for the sisters even if they undid what they helped set in motion. I'm rambling I know. But personal gain consequences should have been administered to Piper since she went back and changed the path that destiny was on, the path that they had set with their past deeds (even thought the Angel of Destiny outright dismissed it). I have to say, though, that the ring had a pretty sweet role. It allowed Coop to actually have some meaning, it gave us great glimpses into the history of the Warren witches and it gave Leo a chance to join in on the fun, which are all great things in my books.

Patty and Victor
I would have loved to have seen more of them over the years. In this episode, like in Cheaper By The Coven, James Read and Finola Hughes played great off of each other's lines, emotions and actions. I loved it. I love a couple. That's how they made me feel, like they were a couple...a couple of what I don't know. A couple of parents, a couple of friends, a couple of soulmates. But let's not dream of what should have been, let's look at what did happen. Never in the world has Finola acted like she did in Forever Charmed. She has always acted the mother role, acted in control. But her performance was completely different. She was a mother yes, but a mother in love...a mother thriving with life. Her lines at the end (the "when one door closes, another one opens") of the episode were more of the Patty we've known in past seasons, but that didn't destroy the image she set in this episode. She will give me tons of things to dream on concerning her life, her love with Victor -- which is one huge plus for the series finale.

It's Not Crying Time
Never has Kaley Cuoco sucked more in her role as Billie Jenkins then her crying scene after vanquishing her sister. It was so forced as well as lacking any real emotion. But oh, ho. I was completely ecstatic that the little witch died, even though the death scene sucked, too. Her death had no action. There was no fight, no real interaction among the five character...action or emotion. I was hoping for more fireballs, fireball dodging, some orbing, some fireball freezing, some shocking levitation on Phoebe's end, some projecting fire into ice on Billie's end, something more than a telekinetic flick. I know the Charmed budget is low, but Brad should have given us something. He could have killed off Dumain in Kill Billie, Vol. 2 to give us a little more magical attack -- a little more P3 attack, after all the show is about Phoebe, Piper and is about magic. But it's not crying time, so I'll move on.

Their Futures In Color
In short, I'd like to say that this is the best part in my opinion. As I already stated, the scenes at the end of Forever Charmed gave me a hope, a feeling of continuality. It delivered a calm clearness that the Warren witches's lives continued. That their legacy and heritage has bloomed year after year. That the world is still protected by the blood of Piper, Phoebe and Paige. That the sisters ended up with a life that satisfied them, a life that was just as Charmed out side of magic.

Posters, use my remarks, my opinions to generate bounce off ideas. How do you feel about the ring? Do you think it was a splendid idea? How did you feel about Leo riding passenger to Piper? Was Patty and Victor as great in your opinion? How do you rate Billie's crying or Christy's death? What were your ideas about what should have happened during Christy's death scene? And finally, how did you like the scenes of how the sisters's lives progressed?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cast Your Votes

I just received my Charmed Magazine #11 in the mail today, and I thought that I'd share what I have found within its pages. It appears that the mag is letting Charmed fans pick and choose the best of what Charmed has to offer in The 2006 Charmed Magazine Awards. They offer up to 20 categories, which I will post next. Your voting job is to choose which you prefer, and it can be anything as long as it is related to Charmed. You'll type them up in an email and send your fan choices to

Okay. Here are the categories:
(1) Best Season 1 Episode
(2) Best Season 2 Episode
(3) Best Season 3 Episode
(4) Best Season 4 Episode
(5) Best Season 5 Episode
(6) Best Season 6 Episode
(7) Best Season 7 Episode
(8) Best Season 8 Episode
(9) Best Overall Episode
(10) Best Vanquishing
(11) Best Transformation
(12) Best Spell
(13) Best Demon
(14) Funniest Moment
(15) Most Romantic Moment
(16) Best Family Moment
(17) Best Guest Star: Male
(18) Best Guest Star: Female
(19) Best Use of a Song
(20) Best One-Liner

Don't wait too long, though you don't have to hurry either. The votes don't have to be in until August 31, 2006. And the mag will give the results in Charmed Magazine #14. I'll be waiting to post the results, and to see if any of my choices won.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Piper & Leo Moment

I decided to take a break from Charmed's series finale, and thought that you'd like to join me. I'm currently rewatching Charmed's second season, and, in particular, I just finished watching season two's Animal Pragmatism. At the very end of this episode, even though it's a imaginative wish or daydream, I found one of my most favorite Piper and Leo moments -- Piper and Leo running toward each other, in slow motion, by-passing the customers in P3 and planting one big, passionate kiss on each as Judith Owen's "I Promis You" plays in the background. Wow. What a moment. It is in that very scene that I feel Piper and Leo's love actually is visualized, actually seen for what it truly is. She might have only daydreamed it, but the moment she did I knew that her heart really belonged to Leo. And how could it not? Leo and Piper are the perfect couple, the fairy tale lovers.

I hope that this Piper & Leo moment allows everyone some peace from Charmed's end. And I thank you for listening. But please, tell me what your feelings are from this moment.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

8.22 -- Prue Not Forgotten

As a lover of the Prudence character, I have to say that showrunners have gotten me upset. I do not feel like Charmed and Brad gave us the amount of Prue that we deserved. The experience from the last episode had not given me any feeling of rememberance or sadness and I was surprised that Brad had the nerve to bring up Prue's death with no comment other than that "when one door closes, another one opens." If you can't make it good, then you should make no comment at all. Am I right, Thumber?

I completely understand if everyone feels differently, but I thought that I should express my opinion. Now that I have, let's move on to the little that Prue was mentioned.

1975: Here in this year, Prue is five and Piper is three. Even though that is as much information that we get concerning Prue, I liked that we get to see how Prue's parents -- Patty and Victor -- lived and how they were. It reveals to us an innocence that we never really got to see with Prue. Her being apart of a standard family, being loved by both of her parents at the same time in the same place. This scene would have been a whole lot better, though, if viewers would have gotten to see the tyke. But my concern for this scene doesn't end there. As I think on it now, a few errors pop up. Where is Grams living? I don't think that she would have give the Manor over to Patty while she was living with a mere mortal, do you? And as I recall from a previous episode (though I don't know which), Piper told Phoebe that she was concieved in the back seat of a car. So the deed that Patty and Victor were on, couldn't have been the deed that conjured Phoebe. Thus, Patty must be at least a few weeks along.

1982: Even though this scene is of Grams consoling a little Piper, I thought it was worth mentioning. Little Piper, the middle child, felt the pain of her position at a very young age, and it was great that she thinks both of her sisters are special. It goes to show how Piper has always been on Charmed. She always felt left out, always felt inferior, always felt that she wasn't as good as her sisters. But what this scene establishes is that present Piper is just like her sister. She is more emotional, yes. But she now, now that Paige has been found and Prue has died, has become Prue -- in a way that is. And I thing that this very scene shows us that. This very scene shows that Piper, now the big sister, represents her lost sibling. Piper herself is an icon for Prue. She has become the protector, the strength, the sacrafical lamb that Prue is remembered for. And before I more on, I'd like to say something that would have made this scene more emotional, more better. It would have been better if Brad would have gotten little Prue to come and consol little Piper. To tell little Piper that she is just as special. That would have been a great way to add Prue's memory in without making it so much about her, because after all Prue has always seen after her, protected her.

Present: When Patty says that it would be great to not remember things "like Prue," my heart melted. I dropped a couple of tears. But I went from sad to mad in a matter of second when Patty tells the sisters that she knows everything happens for a reason and that when one door closes, another one opens and looks at Paige. Man, oh, man was I hot. Prue's death didn't conjure Paige. Her death didn't do anything other than give way for the Power of Three to be reconstituted. Brad should have left well enough alone and not even thought to bring Prue in during this time. It would have satisfied me more.

I thoroughly enjoyed all except the last mentions of Prue. I felt that it was a solid shout to Prue not forgotten, even if it was poorly established. Okay. On to your opinions. What did you like of each scene Prue was mentioned in? Would you have liked something more on Prue's character? How did you feel about having no visual image of Prue at all?

Oh, yeah. The Nod To Prue: In the last scene with the granddaugther of Piper (some say it is Chris's child, but who knows), I thought it was a great way to end the show with the little girl doing what Prue had done some many seasons ago -- using her power to shut the door as an end to a season. I felt that Brad was giving a nod to Prue. Some might disagree, some might not. But I thought that it was just great to end the series like it had begun. That's it. That's all I'm going to say.

P.S. More to come later on. I'm still recovering from the lost, as well as Alias's end. Please be patient and bare with me.

Monday, May 22, 2006

8.22 -- Wyatt's Powers

I have watched every episode of Charmed, I have followed the sisters through their ups and their downs, and I have watched how and listened to the people surrounding the events of The Hollow in Charmed & Dangerous. But for the life of me, at Kill Billie, Vol. 2's end, I thought I had the answer to Wyatt's powers. I had thought that he had reacquired what he had lost when The Hollow was returned to its precious box. Oh, how I was wrong. Brad has done it again. The great Charmed writer has formed a dilemma that I thought was solved. Wyatt didn't reacquire his powers that The Hollow absorbed via Billie and Christy. And though I find it weird that Piper hadn't fixed the problem in the future or the fact that she didn't know, I have to hand it to Brad for working his way around the solution that we thought was solid as a rock -- when boxed, The Hollow returns any powers.

You see, The Hollow didn't return to the box via the combined powers of good and evil. It wasn't sent back by the fierce words of the magical; instead, The Hollow returned on its own when it kicked its own behind. Having broken in half, The Hollow was forced to fire upon itself as the Halliwell sisters faced off with the Jenkins sisters. And in doing so, The Hollow was wounded on both halves. The Halliwells wounded the half of The Hollow in the Jenkins sisters, and the Jenkins sisters wounded the half in the Halliwell sisters. And so The Hollow retreated back to the safety of its prison, back with the powers it had gained. Brad, you little genius.

Having returned to the box on its own accord, the rules we once thought were laws were thrown out. Thus, Wyatt had no magic. He's a witch with no power, a whitelighter with no healing touch, a great power that is powerless. And in the past, that idea might had been good to Chris and those that Wyatt torchers in the future when he swims in the dark sea of evil. But now, now it is bad. Wyatt without his powers means a little less Charmed power in the future. So how does one get their powers back? You get your Charmed mother to return to the pass and stop the evil to rectify the future. So it is that Wyatt's power returned when the past was changed to erase the deed that left the being who stopped all magic without his proper heritage, his proper place.

P.S. I just loved having Wes Ramsey back as Future Wyatt. He is so delicious and hot, and his voice...oh, his voice is so husky and sexy. And let me just say that when Wyatt obtained his powers and he orbed right beside his mom...well, that was just so cute. He looked adorable as well as handsome. Is that possible? I don't know. And let me just say that it was so great when future Wyatt said, "Uncle Coop." I screamed so loud with glee. Hee. Hee.

Okay. What were your thoughts on Wyatt's place in this episode? Did you have any misgivings on The Hollow keeping the powers it stole? What was your favorite Wyatt scene?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The After-Feeling

I am ecstatic, I'm feeling great. Okay, I'm feeling a little sad. Just a little because I'm in denial at the moment. It doesn't feel like it is over, not quite yet. Aside from my knowledge that it's over, in my current mood, I am fabulous. The episode was wonderful. It wasn't as action packed, as emotional, as dramatic as I had anticipated, but it ended with hope, with a feeling of continuality, which is what I think Brad wanted us to feel. It gave me a calm clearness, and I hope it did for every fan.

Before I cut this post short, I'd like to establish a goal for my review, opinion or rant of this episode. I have decided that I'd take things one post at a time, no whole episode over review. I want to nit-pick. Here's a view at posts to come: Wyatt's Powers, Prue Not Forgotten, and hopefully so much more.

I hope that you all are accepting Forever Charmed and Charmed's end.
Piece out.
And goodnight to all.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

A Mother's Help

After last week's episode, I pondered over how our favorite mother -- Patty Halliwell -- would work her magic in Charmed's last installment. Last we saw her, she saved her spellbound daughters, offended her mother and stood proud with Victor as a parent. Now, she is back and apparently in full witch mode.

Little knowledge is known of Patty's magical abilities -- she has been dead for years, and the most we see of her is as a ghost. But let's not underestimate Patty. She is more than a mere witch. She delievered The Charmed Ones, she created the Power of Three. Along side of her mother, Patty has prepared the saviors of the innocents and all magical creatures. From P3 H20, we know that even though she died at the hands of evil, she fought hard to battle the dark forces so that her daughters could grow up safely and innocently. And now she is back. Patty is back at the most tragic, most dramatic time of all -- the end.

Patty's devotion to her family, to her daughters has been tremendous. She loves whole heartedly, like our very own Piper. Aside from her motherly advice, which I know will be lovely and draw almost all of my tears in Forever Charmed, Patty will stand with Piper and her mother to undo what has been done. And from what has been seen from the trailer and the preview pictures, she will use the magic of her words and lend a helping hand to save her two youngest daughters, Phoebe and Paige. Truthfully, I'm ecstatic that she's active in the magical duties of the last episode of Charmed. What more could one hope than to see Patty reunite with her brave and beautiful daughters. Whatever way that maybe.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Time Travel

As we have all seen from the preview clip, Piper time travels in Charmed's last installment episode Forever Charmed. There have been several types of time travel over the course of Charmed; travels to the past, future and even time loops. Travels of this type have always been the strongest of Charmed's episodes. A lesson or reason has always been the cause of them, and they bring pain, happiness and drama as well as some great special effects for the magic involved. I'd like to recall some of them now. If I miss any, then please post them in the comments.

(1) Prue, Piper, Phoebe travel back to the past in That 70's Episode. This episode is about undoing what was done so long ago, but along the way the sisters' discover the reason behind their forgotten powers -- Grams bound them to protect Prue, Piper and Phoebe from Nicholas.

(2) Prue, Piper, Phoebe go ten years into the future in Morality Bites. In this season two episode, the sisters are reminded about their promise of protecting the innocent, not punishing the guilty.

(3) Phoebe returns to the past...the way past via a spell in Pardon My Past. In this case, Phoebe is haunted by her former life so that she may prevent the tragic event...death...that befell her in the past.

(4) Prue, Piper and Phoebe travel centuries into the past in All Halliwell's Eve. In the breath-taking episode, the sisters save their hertiage as well as learn some of the most basic wiccan things.

(5) Prue travels across planes with Cole in The Good, The Bad and The Cursed. It gives Prue a chance to see Cole as a man who loves Phoebe as well as a chance to bring peace to a whole town of people.

(6) The Charmed Ones and Leo travel back into the medieval past of Paige in A Knight To Remember. Not much of a reason or lesson involved, but just an insight to Paige's former self.

(7) In A Paige From The Past, Paige travels back to discover why her parents died and hopefully to work through the pain.

(8) Paige and Phoebe time travel to the past in Cat House, when Piper casts a spell to recall memories. This episode gives Paige the chance to see and know what her sisters were really like before she knew them.

(9) Chris travels from the future in season five's finale episode Oh, My Goddess. While in the present, Chris attempts to change what will be from what he has seen and knows all to well.

(10) Wyatt is summoned by Piper into the present in Imaginary Fiends. He was summoned by accident, but he is very helpful in helping solve the trouble surrounding present Wyatt.

So as you can tell, there have been many time travel events in The Charmed Ones' lives. These events have helped them to understand, know, grow and learn. They add to their lives and their characters. And if any of you are spoiled or have read my posts, then you know that this final episode will present multiple periods of time from The Halliwells' lives. We will see little Piper once more, be captivated by both future Wyatt's and future Chris's personalities, see the over-protective Grams, be close to Patty and spend time with Victor.

But what does this cluster of time travels mean? What do you think Piper will learn from visiting the past? Do you think that the show should end this way? Are there any hopes that you might have for the time travel events that would quell your Charmed passion?

Just A Reminder...

Hi bloggies,

I am just posting to remind you all that Charmed's third and finale soundtrack is in stores. It's an amazing CD with great songs from great singers and bands. Pick one up today or buy online at or any of your favorite online stores.

Here's a little something to soften your hunger:

An amazing image, huh?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

8.22 Trailer

I know I'm late on posting it, but The WB has released the 8.22: Forever Charmed trailer. You can click here to jump over and watch the breath-taking clip. I've watched it so many times that I can't even count.

Monday, May 15, 2006

8.21: Kill Billie, Vol. 2

My head is spinning so fast from all of the action that I am having a hard time just sitting here to type out this post. I just want to get up and do a happy dance. Yes, this episode ended with some wow and some ouch, but sweet bananas -- it's the best episode of the season...maybe even of the series. And I'm hoping that the next episode leads us on home. Okay, enough of the greetings. I'm ready to dig down to the bottom of this righteous barrel.

* Be Prepared: This is a rather long post. I have decided to seperate things into sections, so I may ramble on in certain spots. Forgive me early on.

Demons & The Underworld
The sisters welcome us back in the position that they left us with. Though some time has passed, it's great to let us go along with their trouble of being banished to The Underworld. Then having the demons wonder why the sisters are down their was just genius. And though the demons-using-the-sisters-to-gain-power is a plot already used, I thought it was planted great into the high fast storyline already in motion. However, having the demons to know The Triad personally was just bland and boring. We have already had that this season with Xar having been in cahoots with The Traid in his past. Why not gives us demons with some unique history?

Before we move on, I'd like to mention the hot demon who had a run in with Elise. I never caught his name, but I did catch his...hotness. Plus, I rather liked his addition to the drama already unfolding. He was a link for the Halliwell sisters. A evil link, but a helpful one no less. He and his dead conrad were able to spy on the Jenkins sisters and Dumain and The Triad. They helped the sisters stand a chance by telling them about the plans for The Hollow. So they served a great purpose other than eye candy. Oh, I also wanted to mention that I thought that Elise's portion was useless to the story as well as a look into Bay Mirror. It did nothing for the plot other than further the hot demon's introduction.

The Hollow & All
How in the world could that little witch use Wyatt? He is an innocent bystander, a child. Using a child is plain evil. Evil, I tell you. And to use Wyatt for his hertiage was a cool idea, but it really pissed me off. To conjure The Hollow was quite an idea, idea from evil, but nonetheless an idea that had great drama and impact. But there was one thing that bugged me with The Hollow. Back in season four's Charmed & Dangerous episode, any person possessed with The Hollow had black eyes as a representation. But when both sets of sisters were possessed with The Hollow, that representation was not there. Well, maybe for a nano-sec. The only reason I bring it up is because I liked, no loved, the black eyes. And I just have to say that after The Charmed Ones took in The Hollow I was a little weirded out, especially when the sisters said, "first The Triad, then Billie and Christy." I got a chill. Then wham! The Charmed Ones sneak up and zab the unholy trio to bits. The only bad thing is that Dumain got away, and I bet that he'll be helping Billie in her efforts to get Christy back (if she still lives). But anyway. The battle. WOW! Well, both were wow, but the second one. Holy Smokes! Billie and Christy used Christy's pyrokinetics by streamlining the power, and The Charmed Ones used a demon's energyball power by streamlining it as well. That was great. The special effects were crazy good. There is also the blow out of the Manor. Now that was awesome.

Chris, Wyatt & Victor
Okay, back to something filled with light and happiness. How cute was it when Victor and Wyatt were playing candyland. They were just so adorable, and I'm glad that James Read is back. I've always liked him as The Charmed Ones' dad. But back to candyland. I was totally banking on Wyatt using his magic, but when he said that he didn't do it that Chris did, I completely flipped. I scream so hard that my mom came to check on me. I've been waiting forever for Chris to receive his powers that I had given up on him receiving them. And I'm just so happy that the showrunners added it in during the drama to give us a little excitement aside from the main plot. And before I move on, I would like to say that YEAH! Wyatt used his forcefield not once, but twice. Whoohooo!

Evil. Evil. Double Evil
So, the evil vixens pattled into the first battle with a plan. A decoy. What a smart move, but ha! The Charmed Ones have seen it before. Remember back in season four? In the We're Off To See The Wizard episode, the wizard uses his tricks of illusion to throw a decoy at the Halliwell sisters so that he can escape with The Grimoire. And lookie, lookie. Billie uses her power of projection to do the same. She sends in a decoy Billie and Christy to throw off the Halliwells. It works for a nano-second. They may have even had the chance to take out the sisters if they hadn't used the same potions that the sisters were packing. I thought Billie new the sisters well enough to recognize that she and her sister would need better potions, but then again Piper, Phoebe and Paige didn't use new potions and they should have because they should have known that Billie would know their potions since the Halliwells trained and taught Billie everthing that they knew. Come on gals. It's a battle for survival, you should be thinking with your wits.

Just a little on the evil Billie. I knew that she would survive because I was spoiled, but I don't think that the episode had me laughing and angry at the same time as when Piper found Billie then started choking her. That was hilarious. I was laughing hard at Holly sprawled on top of Billie. I was also bitter, angry and rooting for Piper to end her life. I know I sure would have.

With a show of hands, how many enjoyed Victor's confrontation with Coop? I thought that Victor's reaction was well written and hugely needed. I mean come on. We were all thinking it. Piper had and has been through so much with Leo, and for Phoebe to jump on the pain train, we would expect the same sort of drama for her. Though one could argue that Piper and Leo's relationship paved the way for any magical couple, especially Phoebe...Piper's sister. But that's some other post entirely. Oh, Coop. Coop-alicious. He wasn't just banged once, but twice tonight. After his talk with Victor, Coop runs into a more devastating conversation with Phoebe. And oh, boy does she break his heart. His eyes were tearing. And I was tearing, too. No feel of shame for it either. In tonight's episode, I finally felt that Phoebe and Coop really belong together...for life. And it all had to do with his talk to Victor and his talk of love for Phoebe. I just can't wait to see them marry next week.

Promise Holds True
Good Gracious. So much was happening tonight that I totally didn't expect for Leo to return tonight. But oh, boy was I happy to see him and the Angel of Destiny. Though, at one point when the Angel of Destiny was talking I thought that Piper might blow her up. Phoebe's laying in Piper's arms and here the Angel of Destiny is going on and on about how she didn't expect it to end like this. I think I would have tossed her a little of my power if I was Piper, maybe then she would shut up.

Shooo! Leo looks good, no great! I was so happy to see him. Just looking at his angelic face makes things seem far less dreary than how they are, like he is going to make things all better. And I'm so glad to see that the showrunners added some consistenciy on Leo's part. Having him be returned without any knowledge of what has been going on was the right thing to do, but that doesn't really help me in understanding how he came to Piper before. Or how he was able to come to her at all. I just hope that they answer that in next week's episode.

Questions Still Needing Answers:
* Paige -- alive or dead?
* Christy -- alive or dead?
* Dumain. What will he do now? Does he have another plan prepared?
* Was Wyatt's powers returned when The Hollow went back into storage?
* How did Leo appear to Piper as a ghost?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Another Spoiler Update



According to The WB, it appears that not only will Piper lose her sisters, but the witchy vixen Billie will lose her sister Christy in the blowout battle, too. Here's to hoping that the little firestarter stays dead.

P.S. Don't forget that tonight holds the second to last episode of Charmed. Kill Billie, Vol. 2 will be packed with action, and hopefully some of Holly's great emotion. So pour a beverage, pop some popcorn, grab some tissues and set your VCR so that you can catch this great Brad Kern episode once again before the final Charmed episode ever hits television airwaves.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mother's Day To All

In this brief post, I'd like to wish everyone a happy Mother's Day.

"To the world your mother might just be one person, but to you your mother might just be the world."
~ Author Unknown ~

Friday, May 12, 2006

Triad's Main Endgame

The Triad is a triple team, a group of 3 upper-level demons; and they stood at a high rank in the evil hierarchy. As many of you have noticed, The Triad of season three (will be denoted as TS3) doesn't quite measure up to this Triad of season eight (will be denoted TS8) in powers and actors. TS3 worked for The Source of all evil. They were males with black eyes. They wore long dark red-like robes, with an upside down pentacle (a magical amulet on which the symbol of a spirit being evoked is drawn). Each of the members possessed various power including fireballs, teleportaion and summoning demons. When they became aware of the existence of The Charmed Ones, TS3 began sending demons after them. When all of the sent demons failed, they ordered Belthazor to render the Halliwells dead. Belthazor came very close, but fell for the youngest of the three sisters -- Phoebe, which lead him to kill The Triad.

The new Triad (TS8) appeared in this season. Just like TS3, they are composed of 3 upper-level demons: Asmodeus, Baliel and Candor. They wear a black robe with an upside down pentagram (a 5-point unicursal star) in the front. Similar to TS3, each of TS8 possess many powers, some of which are fireballs and teleportation. But they also have the power to stop time, much like The Angel of Destiny did in the season four finale. TS8 were the evil forces behind the kidnapping of Christy Jenkins. They didn't personally handle matters; instead, TS8 hired demons to kidnap, guard and raise her in the way of evil -- in the way of The Triad. After Christy is saved 15 years after her abduction, The TS8 is exposed to The Charmed Ones by a former Traid memember, Xar. The Halliwells sever their power and their unity by killing two out of the three. But Christy soon finishes the job when Candor kills her parents.

Now that I have layed the background of The Triads, I'd like to pose a theory. What if many years ago, TS8 realized the trouble The Charmed Ones would bring and decided to set up a plan...a different plan...a plan bigger than Christy (which we already know). We know that no one other than those most loyal to The Source ever saw his true identity, maybe...just maybe The Triad played this tune as well. Maybe years before the Jenkins and The Charmed Ones, TS8 heard, saw or visited the future and didn't like what was to come. Or maybe they even heard it from Melinda Warren. It was prophesized by Melinda Warren in the year of 1692 before she was burned at the stake that "each generation of Warren witches would become stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three sisters. These sisters would be the most powerful witches the world has ever known. They are good witches and are known as The Charmed Ones, the protectors of the innocent." One can surely assume that this amount of concentration would be highly desired or highly disliked, especially by demons and other hellfire creatures. So what if TS8 went into hiding. What if they created spiritual vessels for themselves (remember the pentacle on the TS3), combed over demons to occupy the sisters when they arrived, worked with seers to learn as much as they could about the sisters, finally discovered their strength (the sisterhood), and found another sisterhood that had the same potential as The Charmed Ones and who could be manipulated to take the Halliwells out. [Taylor said: Plus, The Triad probably used The Charmed Ones to take out their competition as well as keep them busy. The Halliwell sisters took out tons of demonic characters like The Source, Cole--The Source, Shax, Zankou and so many others.] TS8 then would be free to roam freely where they pleased and obtain world domination. Thus, ends the theory of The Triad's main endgame.

What do you think? Is it possible? Does it sound sound? Are there things that I have missed? Do you have anything to add?

Holly and Finley

May 11, 2006, Holly attended Jennie Garth's Soulmate Diamonds event with her son in Los Angeles, California. Normally, I don't bother with celebrity lives and their outings, but this picture came along with the news, and so naturally I had to post it. It's Holly and her son Finley. And oh, boy. Finley sure is growing up, isn't he? He keeps looking more and more like his mom. Okay. I'm done with celebrity gossip.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Spoiler Update

Hello everyone.

Just a spoiler update: It appears from what I have read over at that Piper will lose both of her sisters in the cliffhanger episode Kill Billie, Vol.2. And in the last installment episode Forever Charmed, Piper, with the aid of Coop, will have to travel back to the past to save her sisters' lives.

Plus, Brad Kern -- the best Charmed writer, in my opinion -- wrote the two-parter episodes. That's right. He's wrote Kill Billie, Vol. 2 and Forever Charmed.

Is that not just an OMG! spoiler? I'm sooooooo stoked for Sunday to get here; I'm actually more giddy than yesterday -- the aftermath day of Tuesday's GG and VM giddy.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Picture Perfect

A face revealed, and rage unleashed ---
old anger set upon the world.
Three sisters must come together to fight
or worse fates will surely be

I know. I know. It's a September 27th, 2005, release, but I just finished reading it. You can blame school and nothing more. But let's get to my review.

This is a terrible Phoebe centric book that mirrors the season two episode The Painted World. The demon of the minute is some how connected to a painting, a painting that he's been trapped in for years. And when he finally escapes from the painting, he takes centerstage in The Charmed Ones' lives as a Hannible Lector type of fellow. And to top it off, Leo's not all. There is no mention of the loving father. And the only parts that are worth your time are Bay Mirror, P3 and Wyatt. So bottomline, this book doesn't have an arc worth reading.

But what can I say? I'm a Charmed fan and if this is the only way I can get new Charmed from now on, then bring it on. All of it on. The worse and the best.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Spoiler Treat For Sunday

Finals are over, and I now can devote myself to typing at this blog and my other sites. And let me just say...just say feels good. No more pressure to perform well. No more stress to get an A. Just the relaxing hours upon hours of Charmed. Yep, you heard me right. It's a Charmed marathon for me. Of course, I only own the first four seasons, but I have a recorded stockpile comprised of Charmed's other seasons. Like the wonderful season six episode Spin City. Now, that's a Chris episode I can get behind.

Okay, here's the good stuff. I stumbled upon a spoiler treat for Sunday's episode Kill Billie, Vol. 2. And it so happens that The WB, itself, released the glorious tidbit. You may have heard of it, or you may not have heard of it. I can definitely say, though, that it's "a" spoiler. Care to know what it is? Yes, I know you do. Okay. Here it is: A forbidden artifact laced with power will be seized both by The Charmed Ones and The Ultimate power. It's The Hollow, the most powerful force known to man. And the struggle over it will lead to a devastating battle.

How is this going to work? The Hollow consumes all things. Power and otherwise. That's it; I can certainly guarantee that Brad's giving us a h*** of an ending. I mean The Hollow is big. It's major, and I just love Charmed when it's got major in it. But what do you think will possibly ensue from the struggle over The Hollow? And who do you think will win it (if you can call possession of it a win)?

Plus, don't forget:
~ Leo. He's merely a frozen human now, but he's the other half of a Charmed One. He's strong, manly and a very, very great father and husband. So naturally, he'll be back. And he's back this a ghost. That's right. He contacts Piper via what? By spirit, by astral projection, by who knows what. But I can be sure that Leo's appearance reeks only of love and devotion for his one true love. In short, he'll help give her the strength she needs to do what needs to be done.

~ Coop. A magical creature doomed to love the unlovable Phoebe. Well, that's not really the problem because Phoebe loves him. The problem appears to be that Phoebe has to drop kick the guy to stand together with her sisters in the show down between Billie and Christy, and by drop kick I mean destroy his heart. You see, my guess is that all he understands is love and love isn't what Phoebe's called to do at the moment. So surely he's gonna give us some drama. Darn men. They're always emotional. Ha.

What's your feelings about Leo returning as a ghost? Do you think he's back because he misses Piper? Or do you think he's back with some needed help for the charming ladies? And what about Coop? How do you feel about him? Do you think he and Phoebe should really be together? Do you think he is Phoebe's other half like Leo is Piper's other half?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Who will win...

Here's my new banner. What's your comments on it's topic? What's your hope? In the finale, it'll be sisters versus sisters. Only one side will win, which side do you think it will be? The Halliwell sisters, or the Jenkins sisters?

Forever Charmed Pictures

I know that I've been posting a lot of pictures and not so much articles, but I thought that these would be worth the post and your viewing. These pictures were taken on the shooting of the Charmed series finale Forever Charmed. And they may contain spoilers, so sorry for any inconvience. Plus, it's my blog, so deal with it. LOL!


Christy and childhood imaginary friend:

Billie and Sisters:

Billie and Sisters 2:

Phoebe and Coop and Angle of Destiny:

Sisters and Coop and Angle of Destiny:

Brian and Simmons Twins on Set:

*** Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

In Dreams...

One final down and one to go. It's been crazy, I must say, but the hard class is out of the way and the final for the easy class is only days away. But enough of my life, lets get down and dirty with what's really on my mind.

Dreams. Charmed's done them before, way back in season five. But this time was different. It had nothing to do with the sandman or demons. Well, it does if you consider Chrisy and Billie demons now. They don't have scales, horns or markings all over their faces, but they are trailing on the evil side. That is...Chrity's manipulating things for that to happen. You see, Christy's long line of "brainwashing" is well on it way. She's taking all the tricks and methods that the Triad used on her to use on Billie. And it just happens that some of the methods that she's using are really substantial for twisting the truth into something awful. I, yes myself, had some moments thinking that Chrisy had a good point, but it's was her manipulative style that made me think that, not so much the dreams. Christy's reasoning that the sisters aren't at all for the greater good anymore wasn't really great, but when she backed it up with the Utopia world that the sisters tried to create back in season seven, I was thinking that she was right on the money with the sisters' being selfish. I thought that back in season seven, too. What gives them the right to change the whole world? Yes, the idea of a demon free world, and evil free for that matter, is good in theory, but you can't make decisions for the whole world when the people who are making them are just three out of a gazillion.

Anyway, the dream hopping was a great installment to the Charmed fold. The idea of Billie dream hopping into and out of the sisters' dreams was priceless. It allowed her, as well as the viewers, to see the wants and desires of the sisters, much like Chris did in season six with the demon and his power of "dream" realities. And what Billie found wasn't at all what Christy wanted her to find -- the sisters evil. Though, what she found did make her decided to follow Christy -- the sisters are selfish. It appears that the dreams opened Billie's mind and filled it with questions. And it's clear why. Piper's, Phoebe's and Paige's dreams all made sense, and I actually felt that the dreams were a great way to convince Billie that the sisters were bad, or selfish that is, as well as lead her off the path of good. So it appears then that Billie finds her answers in dreams.

What did you think? Did you like the dream hopping? Did you think that Christy's reasoning was right? Did you think that Billie jumped on Christy's bandwagon to fast? Or did you think that Billie truly has a reason to switch to her sister's side?

P.S. What I don't understand is how Billie can think that being selfish is bad after she was hell bent on finding and saving her sister for the whole season? That's selfish, isn't it? Who knows, maybe Billie sees the Charmed Ones as these great powerful beings with a destiny and her only as a witch with no real purpose. Little does she know, huh?