I have watched every episode of
Charmed, I have followed the sisters through their ups and their downs, and I have watched how and listened to the people surrounding the events of The Hollow in
Charmed & Dangerous. But for the life of me, at
Kill Billie, Vol. 2's end, I thought I had the answer to Wyatt's powers. I had thought that he had reacquired what he had lost when The Hollow was returned to its precious box. Oh, how I was wrong. Brad has done it again. The great
Charmed writer has formed a dilemma that I thought was solved. Wyatt didn't reacquire his powers that The Hollow absorbed via Billie and Christy. And though I find it weird that Piper hadn't fixed the problem in the future or the fact that she didn't know, I have to hand it to Brad for working his way around the solution that we thought was solid as a rock -- when boxed, The Hollow returns any powers.
You see, The Hollow didn't return to the box via the combined powers of good and evil. It wasn't sent back by the fierce words of the magical; instead, The Hollow returned on its own when it kicked its own behind. Having broken in half, The Hollow was forced to fire upon itself as the Halliwell sisters faced off with the Jenkins sisters. And in doing so, The Hollow was wounded on both halves. The Halliwells wounded the half of The Hollow in the Jenkins sisters, and the Jenkins sisters wounded the half in the Halliwell sisters. And so The Hollow retreated back to the safety of its prison, back with the powers it had gained. Brad, you little genius.

Having returned to the box on its own accord, the rules we once thought were laws were thrown out. Thus, Wyatt had no magic. He's a witch with no power, a whitelighter with no healing touch, a great power that is powerless. And in the past, that idea might had been good to Chris and those that Wyatt torchers in the future when he swims in the dark sea of evil. But now, now it is bad. Wyatt without his powers means a little less
Charmed power in the future. So how does one get their powers back? You get your
Charmed mother to return to the pass and stop the evil to rectify the future. So it is that Wyatt's power returned when the past was changed to erase the deed that left the being who stopped all magic without his proper heritage, his proper place.
P.S. I just loved having Wes Ramsey back as Future Wyatt. He is so delicious and hot, and his voice...oh, his voice is so husky and sexy. And let me just say that when Wyatt obtained his powers and he orbed right beside his mom...well, that was just so cute. He looked adorable as well as handsome. Is that possible? I don't know. And let me just say that it was so great when future Wyatt said, "Uncle Coop." I screamed so loud with glee. Hee. Hee.
Okay. What were your thoughts on Wyatt's place in this episode? Did you have any misgivings on The Hollow keeping the powers it stole? What was your favorite Wyatt scene?
I hadn't really caught up with that idea. I was stuck on how heart-breaking Future Wyatt and Future Chris are. They were something---something hot.
And I am with you Rudy. Brad is a genius. He really did good, no great, no wonderful, no fabulous, no mondo fabulous. Ha.
I was thrilled at how Brad wrapped all twelve characters into the finale. And in this episode, Future Wyatt wasn't the center of attention like usual, which made it even more of a finale to me. I was kind of dishearted at the fact that Holly's character was the center of attention, though. She was great, but I thought it should have ended with all the sisters in the center of attention position. But I have to admit that my favorite Wyatt scene was when Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Patty and Penny were all in the family room and Wyatt and Chris teleport in. I was also concerned with how Chris knew how to get to grandpa's apartment when the future must of change since he is alive and not dead like he was in the seaosn six finale.
Holy cow, Jim. I didn't think of any sort of thing about Chris knowing how to get to Victor's.
And oh, cute Wyatt picture Rudy. The little Wyatt picture.
OMG. You guys started without me.
Okay. Wyatt is so cute, but let's get that out of the way. I just love the addition of Wes in the episode. It made for a great storyline in my opinion, and the best scene would have to be the scene Rudy picked. Wyatt orbing over to his mom and say, "and I got my powers back." PRICELESS.
That was a great scene, but I preferred the scene when Grams tells them to watch their mouths.
Ha. Ha. That was funny. And when Chris said it again. Ha. Ha. He said butts twice.
Okay. How kiddish do I sound?
Very kiddish.
I was confused that the hollow didn't release Wyatt's power. And after this post of yours Rudy I know why. It's complicated. I was thinking on the standard rules that you said were thrown out. And with this new found knowledge (that I think is correct), I can now appreciate Wyatt's place in the episode. While he didn't save the world or the Charmed Ones, Future Wyatt did really nothing. He was just there. His mom handled it. *Wink* How do you guys think Chris feels when Wyatt has no powers? Pretty good, huh?
I'm thinking he doesn't feel inferior anymore.
Maybe deep down he feels inferior, but since Wyatt's good now I think that he doesn't feel it as bad because Wyatt isn't using his powers against him anymore like in Chris-Crossed of season six.
Brad Kern is a genuis?
The man couldn't write his way out of third grade English class.
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