8.21: Kill Billie, Vol. 2

My head is spinning so fast from all of the action that I am having a hard time just sitting here to type out this post. I just want to get up and do a happy dance. Yes, this episode ended with some wow and some ouch, but sweet bananas -- it's the best episode of the season...maybe even of the series. And I'm hoping that the next episode leads us on home. Okay, enough of the greetings. I'm ready to dig down to the bottom of this righteous barrel.
* Be Prepared: This is a rather long post. I have decided to seperate things into sections, so I may ramble on in certain spots. Forgive me early on.
Demons & The Underworld
The sisters welcome us back in the position that they left us with. Though some time has passed, it's great to let us go along with their trouble of being banished to The Underworld. Then having the demons wonder why the sisters are down their was just genius. And though the demons-using-the-sisters-to-gain-power is a plot already used, I thought it was planted great into the high fast storyline already in motion. However, having the demons to know The Triad personally was just bland and boring. We have already had that this season with Xar having been in cahoots with The Traid in his past. Why not gives us demons with some unique history?
Before we move on, I'd like to mention the hot demon who had a run in with Elise. I never caught his name, but I did catch his...hotness. Plus, I rather liked his addition to the drama already unfolding. He was a link for the Halliwell sisters. A evil link, but a helpful one no less. He and his dead conrad were able to spy on the Jenkins sisters and Dumain and The Triad. They helped the sisters stand a chance by telling them about the plans for The Hollow. So they served a great purpose other than eye candy. Oh, I also wanted to mention that I thought that Elise's portion was useless to the story as well as a look into Bay Mirror. It did nothing for the plot other than further the hot demon's introduction.
The Hollow & All
How in the world could that little witch use Wyatt? He is an innocent bystander, a child. Using a child is plain evil. Evil, I tell you. And to use Wyatt for his hertiage was a cool idea, but it really pissed me off. To conjure The Hollow was quite an idea, too...an idea from evil, but nonetheless an idea that had great drama and impact. But there was one thing that bugged me with The Hollow. Back in season four's Charmed & Dangerous episode, any person possessed with The Hollow had black eyes as a representation. But when both sets of sisters were possessed with The Hollow, that representation was not there. Well, maybe for a nano-sec. The only reason I bring it up is because I liked, no loved, the black eyes. And I just have to say that after The Charmed Ones took in The Hollow I was a little weirded out, especially when the sisters said, "first The Triad, then Billie and Christy." I got a chill. Then wham! The Charmed Ones sneak up and zab the unholy trio to bits. The only bad thing is that Dumain got away, and I bet that he'll be helping Billie in her efforts to get Christy back (if she still lives). But anyway. The battle. WOW! Well, both were wow, but the second one. Holy Smokes! Billie and Christy used Christy's pyrokinetics by streamlining the power, and The Charmed Ones used a demon's energyball power by streamlining it as well. That was great. The special effects were crazy good. There is also the blow out of the Manor. Now that was awesome.
Chris, Wyatt & Victor
Okay, back to something filled with light and happiness. How cute was it when Victor and Wyatt were playing candyland. They were just so adorable, and I'm glad that James Read is back. I've always liked him as The Charmed Ones' dad. But back to candyland. I was totally banking on Wyatt using his magic, but when he said that he didn't do it that Chris did, I completely flipped. I scream so hard that my mom came to check on me. I've been waiting forever for Chris to receive his powers that I had given up on him receiving them. And I'm just so happy that the showrunners added it in during the drama to give us a little excitement aside from the main plot. And before I move on, I would like to say that YEAH! Wyatt used his forcefield not once, but twice. Whoohooo!
Evil. Evil. Double Evil
So, the evil vixens pattled into the first battle with a plan. A decoy. What a smart move, but ha! The Charmed Ones have seen it before. Remember back in season four? In the We're Off To See The Wizard episode, the wizard uses his tricks of illusion to throw a decoy at the Halliwell sisters so that he can escape with The Grimoire. And lookie, lookie. Billie uses her power of projection to do the same. She sends in a decoy Billie and Christy to throw off the Halliwells. It works for a nano-second. They may have even had the chance to take out the sisters if they hadn't used the same potions that the sisters were packing. I thought Billie new the sisters well enough to recognize that she and her sister would need better potions, but then again Piper, Phoebe and Paige didn't use new potions and they should have because they should have known that Billie would know their potions since the Halliwells trained and taught Billie everthing that they knew. Come on gals. It's a battle for survival, you should be thinking with your wits.
Just a little on the evil Billie. I knew that she would survive because I was spoiled, but I don't think that the episode had me laughing and angry at the same time as when Piper found Billie then started choking her. That was hilarious. I was laughing hard at Holly sprawled on top of Billie. I was also bitter, angry and rooting for Piper to end her life. I know I sure would have.
With a show of hands, how many enjoyed Victor's confrontation with Coop? I thought that Victor's reaction was well written and hugely needed. I mean come on. We were all thinking it. Piper had and has been through so much with Leo, and for Phoebe to jump on the pain train, we would expect the same sort of drama for her. Though one could argue that Piper and Leo's relationship paved the way for any magical couple, especially Phoebe...Piper's sister. But that's some other post entirely. Oh, Coop. Coop-alicious. He wasn't just banged once, but twice tonight. After his talk with Victor, Coop runs into a more devastating conversation with Phoebe. And oh, boy does she break his heart. His eyes were tearing. And I was tearing, too. No feel of shame for it either. In tonight's episode, I finally felt that Phoebe and Coop really belong together...for life. And it all had to do with his talk to Victor and his talk of love for Phoebe. I just can't wait to see them marry next week.
Promise Holds True
Good Gracious. So much was happening tonight that I totally didn't expect for Leo to return tonight. But oh, boy was I happy to see him and the Angel of Destiny. Though, at one point when the Angel of Destiny was talking I thought that Piper might blow her up. Phoebe's laying in Piper's arms and here the Angel of Destiny is going on and on about how she didn't expect it to end like this. I think I would have tossed her a little of my power if I was Piper, maybe then she would shut up.
Shooo! Leo looks good, no great! I was so happy to see him. Just looking at his angelic face makes things seem far less dreary than how they are, like he is going to make things all better. And I'm so glad to see that the showrunners added some consistenciy on Leo's part. Having him be returned without any knowledge of what has been going on was the right thing to do, but that doesn't really help me in understanding how he came to Piper before. Or how he was able to come to her at all. I just hope that they answer that in next week's episode.
Questions Still Needing Answers:
* Paige -- alive or dead?
* Christy -- alive or dead?
* Dumain. What will he do now? Does he have another plan prepared?
* Was Wyatt's powers returned when The Hollow went back into storage?
* How did Leo appear to Piper as a ghost?
I want to rewatch it again before I post any comments. And I just have to say that your post is crazy long and a great read.
Oh, and Rudy. I don't think that the black eyes stayed in the Hollow possessed person. You are thinking about The Source and his black eyes. There was also that time when Phoebe's demonic baby took over her body and when ever that happened Phoebe had black eyes.
OMG! That was truly an amazing episode. It had so much drama, action and greatness. I just loved The Hollow idea; it made for a great showdown and great story. But I'm with Rudy. I hated that Billie used Wyatt to call upon The Hollow. It just seem so crazy and wrong -- ethically. I wonder what Piper will do if she ever finds out, I think that she'd try more than choking her. Hee. Hee. That'd be something to see.
As for Chris powers: Yeepeee! Yeepee! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! It's about time that the little Piper recieved his powers, he deserves it, especially after he sacraficed his life to travel back in time for his family. What a son!
P.S. I think you are right about the black eyes, Taylor.
Oh, I would have blasted her with my power too if I was Piper and the Angel of Destiny was rambling on when my dead sister lay across my arms.
** The whole Coop thing is starting to get on my nerves. I do feel like he cries to much and that the showrunners are making him a wuss type of character, like Anon and Taylor said a couple of posts back.
**** Taylor, it appears that the Hollow wasn't as a big trouble as you thought. Sucks, huh?
Ha. Little Piper. That's funny.
I thought the episode was a 10 out of 10. It had greatness as witch--warrior said. And Rudy you gave a great review.
There is a couple of things that I'd like to say.
(1) I thought that the Elise appearance was useless as well. It didn't even have anything really to do with Phoebe or her job. What, is Elise a hall -- or office -- monitor? Does she check on everyone who comes and goes out of Bay Mirror?
(2) How could Dumain get away, but not the Triad?
(3) The Hollow in five different people. Interesting. I guess that's why it retreated back to the box because it kicked its own tail. LOL.
(4) I'm pretty heated with Billie, too. She is just a b**** for using Wyatt. I hope that Piper can fry her tail for good when she goes back to the past to save her sisters. Though, from spoilers we know that's not going to happen.
(5) Wyatt uses his powers, playing Candyland, Victor, and Chris geting his powers -- Holy Cow! This is just amazing. If this was the only good part of the episode, I'd watch it over and over just to catches these few scenes with Wyatt, Chris and Victor. They all captivated my heart.
(6) Glad to see Billie using her power of projection again, though I wish that we could see Phoebe's powers again -- at least her premonition power. I'm rewatching season one right now and there isn't an episode that goes by that Phoebe doesn't have a premonition or two. So what is the matter? Why can't Phoebe have a premonition?
(7) Hated Coop.
(8) Thank God that Leo is back. He definitely lifted the show up another notch.
(9) Paige is dead and so is Christy according to spoilers, which I'm sure you know.
(10) The powers were returned when the Hollow was sent back to the box in Charmed & Dangerous, so Wyatt's probably did, too.
(11) My question is how did Leo "know" to appear to Piper if he didn't "know" what has happened from the time he was frozen and sent to the box?
On my second viewing, I'm still in shock and excitement. This episode rocked with full power. And no, the hollow didn't cause as much trouble as I thought it would, but next week it appears that the hollow is what Piper uses to go back in time. Or at least that is what I think from the preview clip.
I'm with you. How did Leo come to Piper if he was frozen from time and all? It doesn't make sense, unless Piper, unknowingly, summoned him. If that's true, I wonder if he remembers that he appeared to her. But DING DONG Leo is back. Hell yeah. They brought him back in a good episode, too. They took him out on an awesome note, and decided to bring him back on one, too. Brad's a genius!
I couldn't agree with you guys more if I wanted too. This episode was slammed packed with all the goodies Charmed as to offer, and I just bet this week's episode will rocket even higher.
Good theory taylor on how Leo appeared. I'd like to add a bit. Maybe Piper summoned Leo because of what was happening. Things are confusing, things need to be done at this moment, things need answers, things need action and she needs Leo. So naturally as you said Taylor, she brought him to her as a sign for an answer. Work with the demons. Get the hollow. Kick tail. Great use of Leo, normally he usually talks your ear off with guidance and help. lol.
Thanks Rudy.
And one more thing that I wanted to add: I'm with you, Anon. Why does Phoebe not have premonitions anymore? It feels wrong that she doesn't even use her powers at all -- scrying and spells and potions don't count. Okay, answer me this: Out of Piper and Paige, who do you think used their powers the must this season? I think it's Paige, unless you don't count her orbing as a power when compared to Piper and Phoebe. After all, orbing is a whitelighter power.
I still think that Paige uses her witch powers more than the other sisters, but I am d*** glad that Chris has got his powers now. It's his time to seize the magic.
Anon I'm still confused on how Dumain got away and the Triad didn't, too. It's all just freaking confusing.
Alright, I've been thinking about Billie using Wyatt. If she is the Ultimate power, then shouldn't she have had the power to call upon the Hollow herself? Seems that Wyatt is more powerful, maybe he is the Ultimate power.
Hey warrior. That's a good question. We have known in the past that Wyatt is special and that he has more powers than The Charmed Ones, so I would have figured anyway that Wyatt was more powerful than Billie. What makes her the Ultimate power anyway?
No, clue. Maybe it's her power of projection.
Maybe the Triad just set up Billie to be the Ultimate power as a decoy so that they could get to the real Ultimate power -- Wyatt.
Yeah. And get Billie to take Wyatt's powers so they could stop/kill/destroy/end Wyatt when he doesn't have powers because they couldn't stop him any other way.
Having Wyatt's powers would make them the ultimate evil. No one could stop them then. Have ultimate powers, no opponents worthy to fight, an open world to conquer/overtake. Evil will truly reign then.
Whoa. You guys are bouncing around some great thoughts and ideas. And just remember, Wyatt's birth stopped all magic. That's true power, no?
OMG. What if that is the Triad's big plan? What if they plan to capture the most powerful concentration of magic since the Charmed Ones?
If that was the triad's plan, it seems that the hollow -- their own idea -- destoryed that dream.
Piper's time travel might just change their fate.
Gosh. I sure hope not.
I think if Piper goes back in time that the Triad would be second on her list, next to saving her sisters and killing the Jenkins.
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