I know that this is almost five episodes ago, but I thought I'd give Leo a post. In this epic Season Eight episode --
Vaya Con Leos, the sisters and viewers together say goodbye to one of the most beloved male character on the show...Leo Wyatt. Leo Wyatt is not just an ordiniary male character as neither is the show itself. Leo and the show both dap in the world of magic. But that's not why we first come to love Leo. His passion for the middle Halliwell sister, Piper, was the string that lead Leo into our hearts. It came later on for the viewers (& the sisters) to know that Leo was as much apart of the world of magic as any, you know with him being a whitelighter and all.
But even through the hocus pocus, Leo has stood strong on his own. He is smart and very knowledgeable about worldly matters, which make him great as a leader and consult. Remember when, in episode four of Season Five, Leo taught Piper how to sense and locate Phoebe with his whitelighter power. Or what about the time in Season Four when Leo learns to trust and help guide the other two sisters to trust Paige's instincts. That's why he is loved so much. He's one that The Charmed Ones look to for guidance and external help.
All and all, it's truly a devasting feat with Leo gone.
Vaya Con Leos was such a sad episode that any unemotional being would have cried. It was just that good...no...it was just that great! Even remembering it now makes me want to spring tears. I just can't fathom it. Leo's gone. Leo...is...gone. What about Piper? What about their eternal love? What about the boys? Even with the emptiness that comes over me with every thought on Leo, I'm reminded that his leave was one of epic proportion. The episode dominated the Eighth Season, making it one of the best so far. Yes, many viewers might have tuned out because of the foretold lost and made the ratings plump-it, but
Vaya Con Leos was worth the pain. So much emotion, good acting, great writing and tremendious efforts took some of that pain away. Plus, with rumors in full blast and articles from the Charmed staff, I'm a believer that the lost Leo will be found before the season and series comes to a halt. From the way the episode ended and the way the lost set up the back half of Season Eight, I'm completely sure that our Leo Wyatt, our Brian Krause will return.