Discussing Chris

At a ripe age of 23, Drew Fuller joined the cast of Charmed as the mysterious whitelighter, Chris Perry. From the moment he sobered stone cold Paige, Chris has been the Halliwells’ number one protector, as well as their most hidden antagonist. He has portrayed abductor with Valkyries, demon tutor and manipulator. He’s loved and lost, mucked the lines of time and altered destiny. He’s a man of many talents and many allegiances. Chris Perry/Halliwell has returned over the course of Charmed history in many forms, guiding and representing things in his father’s life, while returning from the future when him and his brother lose the advantage during a demon battle. So Fuller’s Charmed character has had a full, interactive life. Some things were great to watch and others weren’t so great. When asked once about his favorite episodes on Charmed, Drew responded, “Spin City, I Dream of Phoebe and Hyde School Reunion.” A clump of episodes that verge in completely different directions, only held together by their forging connection of the characters. What are your three most favorite Chris episodes from Charmed? Do you agree with Fuller on his choices, or are you in complete difference? And what are you comments on the character himself? Where you fond of the new addition or did you consider it as horrible as the addition of Billie?
My favorite episode centering on Chris are...
The Courtship of Wyatt's Father
It's Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World
As for the character of Chris, I hated him at first. He kidnapped Leo, he manipulated the sisters and he seemed to be after Wyatt. Who wouldn't hate him? But then it was so sad when we found out the truth to his trip from the future and his love life. That's the moment I turn from hate to...well not love, but something other than hate. That something grew from there. Now in concern for Drew's acting, it sucked at the beginning of his reign as Chris. He didn't seem to fit in with the sisters or anything, but he evolved from there into a better one.
Chris...*cringe*...he's not my favorite Charmed character, but I wouldn't call him my least favorite either -- hmm...Billie. Annnyyywaaaayyy, I don't agree with Drew's own choices, but I do agree with witch--warrior. Mostly. The Courtship of Wyatt's Father was the best of seaosn six in my opinion. Leo and Piper episodes always seem to dominate. Why? I don't know, but they do, which makes them my favorite. So yes, The Courtship of Wyatt's Father is one even for the Chris parts, as is Spin and Prince Charmed.
Oh, I love the Chris character and I thought Drew did an excellent job, especially as the character developed. As for the "favs," my'd be The Courtship of Wyatt's Father (who wouldn't choose this one?), I Dream Of Phoebe and Chris-Crossed. And by the way, ANON, I completely agree. Piper and Leo episodes alway seem to take charge of a season -- except for season one; it was more Andy and Prue.
Great selection guys! Especially you witch--warrior, those are my favorite Chris eppies, too. And I'm with Anon on Spin City. That's one of my favorite season six episodes.
Ahhhh, Spin City. I didn't like this epi...don't know why just...didn't.
I liked Piper's parts. I could definitely feel that she was Chris's mother.
Holly was stunning being prego.
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