S6 Moment

Look at Piper - in this very second, all memories whether they be happy, sad or mad come flying back in one fell swoop. And this is such a perfect picture to capture Piper's pain as she remembers that Leo left her...and their son. I love this season six moment. It's truly a heartache, especially when Phoebe expresses Piper's pain and anger with her newly found empathic powers. My heart tears as I see Piper glance at the scene and the expression of her emotions. *Tear.*
~ Thought that I'd post some clips from various season six episodes every once in awhile so that everyone can recall some of their favorite and non-favorite moments, scenes and episodes. So what do you think about this particular picture?
Oh, that is a sad moment. It was a moving scene, which makes it one of my favorites. Plus, it's the only time I really like Phoebe's empath power, except when she channels the demons's powers to save Jason. That was cool!
One of the best moments of season six!
Ditto. It truly is a great moments.
That's what made it good for me, too. And Leo just took the hits. Guess Valhalla did change him.
Leo was different in season six. Much stronger, more of a "take things into his own hands" type of guy.
sorry "wi" is me.
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